We are in Spring cleaning mode around here. I guess I should call it "End of Summer Get this Junk Out of Here that we NEVER use/play with" mode. I think I needed a moving break after moving back into our house in May. I did the major parts of getting the house together and partially organized but now it's time to get those last little details finished. Like finally hanging pictures on the wall, decluttering our upstairs room to actually make it an office/guest bedroom/ art studio, and moving our entire linen closet from upstairs to a more logical place-downstairs (where all the bedrooms and baths are:) What was I thinking when we moved back in?

Hoping to have an after sometime this week!!!
We also did a little turtle hunting with my buds...
a litte shopping with Library: Archives of Fashion at Novel. I am really kind of digging this new top! What do you think about it paired with the light green jeans?
Also in the midst of a new abstract...
Sent a few fabrics to a friend to make into pillows and to recover our ottoman (blue and white fabric on far right from Designers Attic) in the playroom!! Can't wait to see how they turn out!!!

Had a Novel. Girls night out at CO last week which was much needed and productive! If you live in Charleston you must check out CO. It is a new Vietnamese style restaurant on King Street (happens to be right across the street from Novel.!!

Hoping to have an after sometime this week!!!
We also did a little turtle hunting with my buds...
a litte shopping with Library: Archives of Fashion at Novel. I am really kind of digging this new top! What do you think about it paired with the light green jeans?
Still obsessing over my Jane Pope Collection necklace!!!
Find yours here.
Worked on a new children's painting.
Planning to hang from a wooden dowel on both top and bottom.
Also in the midst of a new abstract...
Sent a few fabrics to a friend to make into pillows and to recover our ottoman (blue and white fabric on far right from Designers Attic) in the playroom!! Can't wait to see how they turn out!!!

Had a Novel. Girls night out at CO last week which was much needed and productive! If you live in Charleston you must check out CO. It is a new Vietnamese style restaurant on King Street (happens to be right across the street from Novel.!!
Hope you have a great week!!!
We are getting shutters put on the house today-woohoo!!!!
Love that top on you, and that necklace is freakin amazing!!!
LOVE that top with the jeans and that necklace is awesome!
I want to see what you finally decided on your one-sink-bathroom v/s two mirrors?? We have the exact same sink area and I need some inspiration :)
So much goodness here. You look amazing and your new painting is aweseome awesome. xx
can't wait to see how your fabrics turn out :) you look beautiful as always! xo- Shannon
You look amazing in all the pictures! You could wear a paper sack & look good?!?
Love the colored jeans. Your abstract is superb !!!! Where did the summer go?
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