I'm a pool girl.
Always have been. Always wanted one.
Never have had one.
You think it's too late to add one? Ha, I can hear Big R laughing now. Ok, just a dream but seriously... I want one. I can see it now..leisurely days of sun, sip and swim .... oh the life....who am I kidding???!!!

*quick question-you think the homeowners with these pools ever use them? My guess is a big fat NO! Is that not always the way-take for granted the things you have! You can bet I would be splish splashing around everyday if I had one of these!!!
And while we're playing make believe, this would be my outdoor grilling area/kitchen and that would be me of course.
Happy Friday!
Hope everyone has a fab weekend...we're off to the beach for a few days!
I grew up having to clean my grandmother's pool once a week. It was a ginormous pool! Cleaning it was a b#¥#+! Therefore, I am with you on **wanting** a pool, but a hired cleaning company would be a must :)
oh man am I a pool girl! Sitting on a lounge reading a magazine with an iced tea or boat drink. Of course there's a cool breeze and no kids in this mental picture :)
I have always wanted one. I am a bit of a worry wart... Natalie's post is making me rethink this role. But, water and busy toddlers do NOT mix! There are no second chances when it comes to water accidents. Unlike a broken arm from a swing set/ trampoline accident. Everyone I know who has a pool says time and money pit? I still want one;))
Truth be told, you would be even cuter than that beautiful woman in that last picture!
We're keeping the "vintage" pool at the new house. But I kinda feel like I'd rather get rid of it so that I could just let the kids run loose out back... I guess you sometimes want what you don't have.
Ha I seriously thought that last picture was you! But I have always wanted a pool too but the drowning w kids really freaks me out plus the maintenance is a biatch! So I will just stalk friends that have pools like Chassity:)
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