I love this pic. Big R would get a kick out of this one. He always makes fun of me for carrying around my gigantic pocketbook/duffle bag with me wherever I go. He wouldn't put it past me to pull this off!! Ha!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
baby cakes
Well, it's time to address baby cakes (baby g's) room. The poor child has been stripped of every piece of artwork that was in his room and now he has bare walls. It's embarrassing when friends come by and say "ooh, I want to see your boys rooms. I bet you have your work all over the walls!"
Not so, my friend.
I do not have one piece of blue chickadee in either boys rooms. So, that's my next goal. This is what I am thinking for baby g's room. Fish. I love this painting below...
This is a mobile I painted for a friend to hang against the wall in her baby boy's nursery. I started thinking this may be the way to go in baby g's nursery too??!!
I also have this 30"X40" koi fish picture from Kate's Paperie hanging on one wall now.
I need something above his crib that he can't pull down. I'll keep you posted....
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Junkotique Finds
So last weekend I went to Cola to visit mom and dad and while there, mom and I went junk-o-tiquing (not a word, I am aware, just love that my mom calls it this!) I am such an impulsive buyer-a serious problem! I know what I like, I see things that I like, so I get them-this is why I don't go shopping often! The problem is I love the "thing" but have no where to put the "thing"-anyone else with me on this??? It's just hard to resist a cheap price at a junk store. Big R is ready to put all my finds on the street because they are infringing on his garage space.....
The above table was found here in Mt. P and I saw it within 30 seconds of walking into the place. It had my name written all over it!!! Look at the legs!!! I will find a place for this-either on the new porch we don't have or the new playroom we don't have-Ha! And yes, the above picture is taken in our junky and dirty garage that I want to change into an all white dreamland.
Pair of lamps-one with a harp, one without. Needs some rewiring and shades, but I thought they were pretty cool.
Broken piece on the bottom, can't get the harp off (semi problemo) and new shade/rewiring needed. All of these "easy" fixes will probably double my price of what they originally cost-oh well.
And lastly, this is a planter or a trashcan. Needs a little brass polish and then we'll be good to go. What have you found lately?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Painted Floors
Have any of you painted your floors before? I mean in high traffic areas. We have a garage that needs to be turned into a playroom ASAP and I have this image in my head of a clean crisp white room. Floor to ceiling with all white linens and seagrass rugs. I'm living in a dream world. That's just the worst idea ever with 3 boys and a dog, right? I want feedback on painted floors and how they hold up..let me know!
images via life of polarn per
I could go with a fun geometric or stripe to try and hide the dirt?
images via studio ten 25
Monday, January 17, 2011
I've got a thing for swings. I always have. I think it dates back to my days of swinging on our porch. We had the coolest one right smack dab in the middle of the second story porch. My dad rigged it up somehow-chunky rope and wooden seat. It looked something like this..

image via garden and gun
R, this is what I would like to have on our porch in my next life-ha!

image unknown
Or, I'll take this in a skinny minute:) I'm not picky.

image via caldwell-flake interiors
I think my boys would have a ball jumping from bed to bed and swinging these frames straight through the sheet rock!
I love this bunk room picture on the top right. I wonder how hard that would be to achieve???
Friday, January 14, 2011
Southern Bourbon Mountains

A HUGE thank you to Katherine over at "Southern Bourbon Mountains" for the over the top write up on blue chickadee! I have been reading her blog for many months now and it is one of my favorites. She writes like she talks (I imagine..being a blogger friend, we have never met). Please take a look at her blog...she is hilarious!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Out the Door...
and off to a patient customer of Sugar Snap Pea! This burlap+embroidery hoop safari animal mobile was something I originally made on a whim because I couldn't find anything neutral to hang in baby G's room. It fit the bill....that is for about a minute. My friend Zhenya saw it and quickly nabbed it for her store, Sugar Snap Pea. That made me happy! I never thought it would be something that others would want??
*Stop by SSP to place an order if you have any interest....
I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that today is a perfect day for a fire!!! Don't you love these storage ideas...

images via apartment therapy
Friday, January 7, 2011
DIY: Before and After
So, I am known for saying (being a mom of two littles) that I rarely get to check things off my never ending list. But now I can!!! Yay! It's only been about a month in the making but I finally painted the front door green-what do you think? And hung my family on the wall. I'm not 100% sold on the layout but I am living with it for now:)

Gallery Wall:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Wallpaper Collective
Have y'all seen this site before? I have had it bookmarked for over a year now and just browsed back through their selection. Man it's awesome!!! I have never used wallpaper before. I'm a paint kind of girl but these are to die for. Check out The Wallpaper Collective here.

Awesome in an entry hall or office don't you think?

This too...This is called "erin peacock on shimmer" but don't they look like black (navy) crows????

Kind of random, but I love it! This would be cool framed on a wall.

Ok, now this would be cool in a girl's room or office. Picture one wall with this paper, opposing wall hot pink and other two walls white???

all images via the wallpaper collective
Love this in a boys room or playroom. I never tire of elephants:)
Go check out their site and see what you like.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ok, so this sweet precious angel below really knows how to throw a jab in the heart first thing in the morning! Let me recount our conversation for you:
"Mommy, what are you doing?" Little R
"I'm just doing a little work on the computer." Me
"No you're not. Daddy does work, not you." Little R
"Yes I do. Mommy and Daddy both work."
"No. No you don't. Daddy works. You have appointments."
I think we see where I stand on the totem pole....
Well, I guess I need to get back to "work."
And when I told his daddy what he said, I got a whole lot of laughter and a "well, I'm proud of him for using such a big word!"
Monday, January 3, 2011
inspiration in the new year
Well, it's here. 2011. I am really looking forward to this year! So many wonderful things happened in 2010, but so many fabulous unknowns to come in the new year! I can't wait to get started!

image via style-files
I don't know about you, but I'm a visual person. I have to have things on paper, in front of me, in order to think clearly. The above photo is what I am going to work on this month. There are currently 25 piles of photos, artwork from my boy, clippings from mags, etc on my steps leading to my dungeon/art studio. I am determined to get organized. Life would be simpler, right?
And on another note, here are some charcoal gray digits I painted on some dishtowels for a friend. Happy New Year!!!!
ME, hard to tell they are gray, but I promise they are:)