Thursday, July 18, 2013


If you are following me on Instagram (waywayallen), then you may have already seen this beauty, but in case you didn't I had to share again.  
Good, right?!!!  
Perfection for the R. Allen's!!!
Thanks to the help of these girls + Kistler Design, we finally have a perfect fit in our eating space.  

clockwise:sally king benedict-nude/my dad's nude painting/ bottom three are way way allen originals

Annnnd yeah, lemme just show you what we've been working with for the last 6 months.   
Yes.  It was THAT bad.  Broken legs bound with jute twine.  We literally ate every meal on a sloped table top.  So to say we are ecstatic to have this new table is an understatement!  
*Pretty sure I can point the finger at Big R for the demise of this table...he never was a fan...

And back to the new table.  
The little things!!!


  1. Look amazing Way way!!!! loving the fabulous artwork too!

  2. I love it! your kitchen is so cute!
